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...............1.Wondering why its so hot?? Well, quit driving so much!! Let's set aside one day every month and not drive, everyone just stay home, that would do wonders unimaginable for our atmosphere. In 1970, worldwide auto population was approximately 200 million cars on the road...by 2022 there are now approximatley 1.4 BILLION cars on the road, all pumping carbon dioxide into the air, causing gas build up in the upper atmosphere which in turn causes the HOT WEATHER and coming storms!!.....The human race needs to get off of gasoline engines and onto something else! We must take better care of this planet we live on-after all, its the only oxygen sustaining planet in sight!!. If I was president, I'd make it illegal to own/sell gasoline powered cars/trucks in the United States-that leaves electric propulsion people-that's what we should be driving after all, our children's future will depend on it......2.What happened to the green seedless California grapes? I haven't had one in a year!! All I see are imports from Chili, Costa Rica and Mexico...I want California grapes!!!....................3.And Gas prices??? It just keeps getting higher and higher right? And our President and elected officals both at state and federal levels are doing nothing why? Because why should they-they don't pay for gas, even when they retire!!.......I'm a republican and I don't know if I'll vote for Trump-maybe its time we elected other than democrat/republican for President....4.I'm 62 and I used to like Vegas before they went electronic, I mean what's the use in playing the slots when they've taken all the fun out of it??? Can't even pull a handle no more, no coins to insert, all electronic-ensures the house wins......

Now Available on Kindle


'Wakina - Cetan' - Thunder Hawk

Now available on Amazon Kindle $3.99

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W - The Wizard Series

A new series of stories coming soon!

Coming August 2020
The Author's First Short Story Edition

Books by the Author



To purchase this book as a hardcopy for $14.50, please send an email to david@daviddholt.com

The Author can also be found on:

Had to replace the site counter Jan 2021. https://free-hit-counters.net

Now Available by AuthorHouse


   The Sand Ω Project* as E.L.I. Whitney        Mosasaur, the Return as David D Holt
   ISBN:978-1-4389-4165-3. 484pgs. Retail Price $24.95     ISBN:978-1-4389-2597-4. 352 pgs. Retail Price $17.99

For more information, click on either cover above to be redirected to the publishers online bookstore for a discout from the retail price.

Interested in Woodworking?
  Be sure to check out the Author's Woodworking page. Every item shown was made by the Author over the years. There are about twenty wooden projects not photographed, mostly picture frames. To see: Click Here!

  Welcome to DavidDHolt.com, the official web presence of author David D. Holt, sorry-not the musician David Holt-his website is DavidHolt.com. The menu panel situated above will guide you to information about the author and his work. To purchase a copy online and save a few bucks just click on the books cover and you'll be redirected to the publishers buy it now page. I hope you enjoy your visit.

   Also - A Personal Message from David Holt

This website is dedicated to you, my readers, in grateful appreciation of your support. As an author, my goals are to continue to improve as a storyteller, involve my readers in my work, and always remain accessible to my readers. My personal e-mail is david@daviddholt.com. If you e-mail me, I promise to read your letter and personally e-mail you back.

    Again, thank you for your support, my goal is to entertain you within the realms of fiction while making you a life-long fan.

-Best Regards, David D. Holt

This writer suffered a medical condition that has taken writing away from me, its with heartfelt sorrow that I must give up the pen.

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To whomever it is who likes to flood me with false submissions-BRAVO!! If you're going to take the time to enter false info-I don't mind-gives me a laugh!! Ha Ha Ha-the jokes back on you!!

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Current Short Stories
Word Length 3,000 - 9,000
All Stories Copyrighted
  • The Widows Mite
  • Legend of the Bardin Booger
  • The Grey Rider
  • The War Continues
  • Brandy Station, A Civil War Ghost Story
  • The Hollow
  • The Vault
  • The Ghost Ship
  • Goliath
  • The Robber
  • Angels, Souls & Shadows
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Short Story Book Series
Word Length 9,000 - 30,000 & up
All Stories Copyrighted
  • W - the Wizard Series © Vol I
  • W - the Wizard Series © Vol II
  • Witch's & Wizard's, the Chronicles of Jiwa BK1
  • Agent Frank Dobbs & the Case of the Time Bandit Robberies
All Short Stories are FREE on this website,
Just send me an email with your request and you'll receive your Short Story as a PDF. Thank You!


Site last updated 15 February 2022 © Copyright February 10, 2004-2024 David D Holt. All Rights Reserved.